Sean C. Pierce Appointed to 2017 Board of Alabama Chapter of CLM

Sean C. Pierce Appointed to 2017 Board of Alabama Chapter of CLM

Sean C. Pierce Appointed to 2017 Board of Alabama Chapter of CLM

Sean C. Pierce
Harbuck Keith & Holmes is pleased to announce that Sean C. Pierce has been appointed as the Vice President of the Alabama Chapter of CLM (the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance) for 2017-2018. CLM is the largest professional association in the insurance industry with a membership of more than 35,000 professionals in the claims resolution and litigation management industries. Founded in 2007, the CLM membership benefits from networking events, continuing education programs, and a wide variety of industry resources. Sean is a member of both CLM’s Employment and Professional Liability Committees.

Phone: 205-547-5540
Fax: 205-547-5621
Birmingham, Alabama 35243
3500 Blue Lake Drive, Suite 440